Use Cases
Apple Tethering
Entitlement Server provides iPhone to be configured as personal hotspot, you can share iPhone Internet connectivity with other connected devices.
Apple VoLTE
Entitlement Server allows configuration of Voice over LTE, a subscriber can use a high-speed wireless communication for voice connectivity.
Apple VoWiFi
Voice over WiFi is using a wireless broadband network to attach a device into Carrier core network, a subscriber can use voice over IP to be reachable for calls.
Apple non-SIM Devices VoWiFi (Roadmap)
The unique feature provided for non-SIM Apple devices. Entitlement Server provides connectivity enrichment by offering of Voice over WiFi capability for non-SIM devices.

Mobile Plans for the Consumer Market#
Apple Watch One-Number
One-Number provides a cellular connection simultaneously on Apple Watch series 3 and later and on the iPhone, the subscriber can make calls, reply to messages, receive notifications using one MSISDN number.
The subscriber can use the iPhone to configure Apple Watches in one-number mode.
Each Watch can then make or receive calls and messages, use Siri, use Maps, and more – using the iPhone's MSISDN number.
Additionally, the subscriber can purchase the MNO plan using the Apple Watch app on the iPhone

Samsung Companion Devices Shared Number
Shared Number provides a cellular connection simultaneously on Samsung Smartwatch and on the Samsung Primary Device, the subscriber can make calls, reply to messages, receive notifications using one MSISDN number.
The subscriber can use the Samsung Primary Device to configure Samsung Companion device with Shared Number.
Each Smartwatch can then make or receive calls and messages using the Samsung Primary Device MSISDN number.
Additionally, the subscriber can purchase the MNO plan using the Galaxy Wearable app on the Samsung Primary Device.

Google WearOS Companion Devices Shared Number
Shared Number provides a cellular connection simultaneously on Android Primary Device and on the Google WearOS compatible Smartwatch, the subscriber can make calls, reply to messages, receive notifications using one MSISDN number.
The subscriber can use an Android Primary Device to configure Google WearOS compatible Smartwatch with Shared Number.
Each Smartwatch can then make or receive calls and messages using an Android Primary Device MSISDN number.
Additionally, the subscriber can purchase the MNO plan using the Google WearOS app app on an Android Primary Device.

Mobile Plans for Entire Family#
Apple Watch Family Setup
Family Setup is a feature for Apple Watch Series 4 and later that makes it easy for families to stay connected using the latest technology.
The subscriber can use iPhone to set up multiple Apple Watches for your family members.
Each Watch can then make or receive calls and messages, use Siri, use Maps, and more—with their own number and account.
The subscriber can purchase a MNO/MVNO plan via the Apple Watch app on the iPhone.

Samsung Companion Device Different Number
Different Number is a feature for Samsung Companion Devices that makes it easy for families to stay connected.
The subscriber can use Samsung Primary Device to set up Different Number.
The Smartwatch can then make or receive calls and messages – by using stand-alone MSISDN number.
The subscriber can purchase a MNO/MVNO plan via the Galaxy Wearable app app on the Samsung Primary Device.

GOOGLE wearOS Companion Device Different Number
Different Number is a feature for Google WearOS compatible Companion Devices that makes it easy for families to stay connected.
The subscriber can use an Android Primary Device to set up Different Number.
The Smartwatch can then make or receive calls and messages – by using stand-alone MSISDN number.
The subscriber can purchase a MNO/MVNO plan via the Google WearOS app app on an Android Primary Device.

Mobile Plans for Enterprises#
Enterprise Devices Subscription
Entitlement Server supports Enterprise Devices (all Enterprise Devices connected to Mobile Device Management (MDM), and MDM connected to ES over TS43 v6.0).
This setup provides to support all MDM capabilities/functionalities which could be extended by automatic eSIM download triggering and provisioning of a data plan in MNO/MVNO systems.
The solution exposes Single User Experience from perspective of standard MDM functions and unified devices lifecycle management.

Transfer Old Device to a New Device#
Apple Watch One-Click Transfer
One-Number Apple Watch One Click Transfer provides a subscriber to transfer watches using the iPhone, after the transfer the old apple watch is disconnected from the Carrier network, the new one is activated with One-Number mode.
Apple Family Setup Watch One Click Transfer provides you to transfer watches using a subscriber iPhone, after the transfer the old apple watch is disconnected from the Carrier network, the new one is activated with the same MSISDN number. The feature is only available for Family Setup in the same Carrier use case.

iPhone One-Click Transfer (ROADMAP)

iPhone Transfer is a native iOS secure data exchange between the source-device (older iPhone) and target-device (new iPhone).
Data transfer occurred with in-proximity with iOS “Quick Start” by place target-device near the source-device; or iCloud connectivity within the same Apple ID account and end-to-end encryption data.
Carrier’s subscription transfer on HSS/BSS are independent of Entitlement transfer call flows.
It is recommended to keep the source device subscription alive until the target-device has completed the eSIM install and successfully camped on the carrier’s network.

Get 5G Data Plans for Your Device (Roadmap)#
5G Data Plans For iPhone
Entitlement Server provides the improvement of user experience with 5G service quality offering a Wi-Fi like experience by using 5G data plans.
The capability allowes the significant improvements of:
- bit rates in case of Face Time, Apple Music Audio, Apple Music Video
- resolution in case of Apple TV+

Get the Best Data Plans for Your iPad (Roadmap)#
Data Plans for iPad
Entitlement Server supports the use the power of eSIM, MNOs/MVNOs allow a subscriber to activate a data-only eSIM for iPad in moments.
Standard use case is requiring pairing iPad with iPhone, sign into Apple ID on iPad, and follow the instructions displayed on iPad.
The feature provides:
- working easily alongside your current provider
- increase eSIM usage on Cellular iPads
- improve Cellular sign-up rate.